Dear PK-12 Clinical Educators,
Thank you for agreeing to host an ³ÉÈ˶¶ÒôÆƽâ°æ student in your classroom. This experience is an opportunity for students to get their first taste of what teaching is all about. Not all of you have hosted students before, so here is some information about what to expect from our students and ³ÉÈ˶¶ÒôÆƽâ°æ.
Field Experiences:
The purpose of this assignment is for students to experience school and classroom culture first-hand. They will be placed in a school setting where they will be expected to complete observations and various assignments. Field experiences are two (2) days a week for approximately (2) hours.
If teacher candidates are absent or tardy, they must contact the school office by
phone, and the Cooperating Teacher and University Supervisor by phone and/or
e-mail, in a timely manner (ahead of scheduled observation time if possible).
The following are the key assignments the student is expected to complete.
Lesson Plan: For the assignment, students will be asked to observe
a lesson and fill in aspects of the lesson plan, identifying important
components (E.g., learning targets, instructional procedures, assessments)
and then write a reflection. If possible, students may
assist/co-teach during this assignment.
Learning Context: Students are expected to examine the learning environment and describe the strengths of your students, some of the challenges faced by students, and the resources available to them.
Philosophy and Other Assignments: Students will create/revise their educational philosophy based on their present field experiences. They are also expected to attend a site-based meeting and school board meeting, if they have not completed this previously.
Disposition Evaluation: As a pk-12 clinical educator, you are expected to complete a disposition and professional behavior evaluation for your student. These dispositions will be sent by email. They may go to your junk folder so please check there if you don’t get them. You can expect disposition evaluations to be sent out during the midpoint of the placement, in addition to the end (final evaluation).
Professional Behaviors Checklist (This will be sent to you by email)
Instructions: For each of the following professional behaviors, rate this
teacher candidate's trajectory toward becoming first-year profession-ready. For
purposes of this evaluation, a teacher candidate who is First-Year
Profession-Ready is prepared to accept and successfully perform the
duties one would reasonably expect of a newly-hired, first-year educator.
1. Displays positive attitude.
2. Takes initiative.
3. Demonstrates enthusiasm for the work of teaching.
4. Shows respect for families, colleagues, and/or communities.
5. Maintains confidentiality.
6. Demonstrates flexibility.
7. Maintains professional boundaries.
8. Build rapport with students.
9. Demonstrates punctuality in all professional responsibilities.
10. Dresses professionally.
Roles and Responsibilities of the PK-12 Clinical Educator (Cooperating Teacher)
The PK-12 Clinical Educator will be responsible
for collaborating with the teacher candidate to plan activities
for experience in the classroom. The activities should not only be
meaningful to the teacher candidate’s learning, but also be authentic
activities. For example, the teacher candidate may be assigned to work with
small groups or individuals, or to introduce activities or parts of lessons
designed by the teacher to the whole class. The teacher should offer
constructive feedback. The teacher should not view teacher candidates as
simply messengers, clerk-typists, or paper-graders, though teacher candidates
may assist with some of these teaching-related duties. The major focus of the
PK-12 Clinical Educator should be to help the teacher candidate become familiar
with the roles of the teaching profession, while being actively involved. The
teacher also is responsible for preparing the P-12 students to accept the
teacher candidates as adults and future teachers; they should be introduced to
the classroom of students as pre-service teacher candidates. The way a
classroom of students perceives teacher education students and their role is an
important factor in establishing a comfortable and rewarding relationship.
If you have any questions concerning your
responsibilities, or what is expected of your students, please do not hesitate
to contact me.
Thank you!
Ryan Alverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
College of Education
Math-Education-Psychology Center (MP) 273
Telephone: (859) 572-6580
Dr. Ryan Alverson - Assistant Professor
College of Education